Founder & Chief Legal Advisor

Mr. Kalyan Krishna Bandaru, LLM
  • Memberships:

    Karnataka State Bar Council- High Court Unit

    Supreme Court Bar Association of India

Mr KK Bandaru is a second generation advocate, certified in mergers & acquisitions has strong hold & practice on Corporate, Arbitration, Criminal & Property laws.

VIA Mediation & Arbitration Centre was conceptualised in the year 2015 and was launched in Aug 2018. Just after the launch, few MNCs started availing arbitration & ADR services after which the organization introduced itself & the services to global community at Excel, London in March 2019.

In founder words:

'I am personally a non executive director of few firms and I know the number of compliance, policies, procedures and legalities a corporate has to comply with. To avoid litigation is a prime objective of any corporate. I have used my legal knowledge and experience to establish a 'one point' Alternative Disputes Resolution services centre which can reduce litigation, risk and increase productivity, transparency, credibility and cordial relationships. Many corporates have become a members of the organization and are using arbitration services.

We are proud to be India's very few private ADR Institutions. Corporates can avail the organizations services for better results & growth.