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Should Mediation be made mandatory in India?

Should Mediation be made mandatory in India?
Mediation is considered a mode of reducing the arrears whereby parties move and conform to facilitate solutions for his or her disputes. Mediation should be made an intrinsic part of legal proceedings in order that it's perceived and most well-liked by the parties as to the initial means of breakdown their disputes and it's a good responsibility on part of the bench and bar to figure towards achieving this goal. Each party pleading before the court is entitled to hunt justice and speedy remedy. Courts in India often refer to suits to mediation and settle disputes between parties through negotiation and thereby avoiding long procedure of legal proceeding but due to the absence of any law imposing a limit for completion of such mediations, such suits usually prolong for months with no resolution. Thus, there's ought to develop and create mediation a time-bound method.
Blessings of MEDIATION –
- Expeditious and value-effective:
Mediation provides a chance for the parties to share their perspective and resolve disputes between them. The mediation method takes terribly less time and is sometimes conducted in few days as compared to that of civil legal proceedings and is less complicated and simpler. Whereas on the one hand legal proceedings cases take months and sometimes even years mediation method is far additional timesaving and easier and convenient. The time-bound method saves time and prices incurred by the parties concerned.
- Empowerment:
The mediation method involves the resolution of disputes between parties wherever they sit face to face and discuss their variations through a mediator who can assist and facilitate them reach a typical agreement. it's a voluntary resolution of dispute supported interest and satisfaction of each the parties. but the role of the mediator is barely that of helping and supervising however the ultimate call is that of the parties themselves. Parties are sceptred to make your mind up for themselves as to how they'd prefer to resolve matters. This ensures full liberty of the parties and therefore they're not bound to adapt the choice of any third party.
- Restoration of Justice:
The focus of Mediation is to fix the damage and restore relationships. most in order that recent Supreme Court has approved mediation in breakdown the Ayodhya land dispute case. The mediation method as directed is held confidentially and the court has prohibited the media from revealing and news any matter connected thereupon.
- Maintains confidentiality:
Unlike in open court areas, mediation processes are conducted privately space and therefore the parties get pleasure from protection from the glare of the public upon their matters. It provides a chance for the parties to share each personal detail and it conjointly helps the mediator to know the matter of the parties, gather data perceive their perception at a deeper level that helps him in breakdown the conflict upholding the interest of each the party. Parties have the ultimate call. Parties are absolved to agree on the conclusion reached in confidentiality. each submission and proof are kept confidential and are safe from the glower of the public. below section seventy-five of the Arbitration Act, it's been expressly arranged down that the mediator and therefore the parties shall keep all matters of conciliation proceedings confidential except unless its revealing is important for the aim of social control. Supreme court of India in Moti Ram (D) Tr. LRs and Anr. Vs Ashok Kumar and Anr[1] declared that mediation proceedings were confidential in nature.
- Convenient:
Resolving disputes through the mediation method is far more convenient for the parties. Parties are obedient to figure mutually and type the conclusive answers that conjointly aids in restoring the relationship and peacefully settles the disputes. The parties are liberal to decide upon the date and place of settlement as per their alternative and convenience in contrast to the court proceedings where it's set by the presiding judges. there's no complexness in mediation proceedings and is comparatively terribly easy and honest. The relief therefore obtained are honest and primary the outcome of the consent of the parties.
[1] (Civil appeal No. 1095 of 2008)
(This Article Does Not Intend To Hurt The Sentiments Of Any Individual Community, Sect, or Religion, Etcetera. This Article Is Based Purely On The Authors Personal Views And Opinions In The Exercise Of The Fundamental Right Guaranteed Under Article 19(1)(A) And Other Related Laws Being Force In India, For The Time Being. Further, despite all efforts made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published, White Code VIA Mediation and Arbitration Centre Foundation shall not be responsible for any errors caused due to human error or otherwise.)
- Mediation is considered a mode of reducing the arrears whereby parties move and conform to facilitate solutions for his or her disputes.
- Mediation should be made an intrinsic part of legal proceedings in order that it's perceived and most well-liked by the parties as to the initial means of breakdown their disputes
- Mediation provides a chance for the parties to share their perspective and resolve disputes between them.