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Lok Adalat and Access to Justice: A Mellifluous Relationship

Lok Adalat and Access to Justice: A Mellifluous Relationship

What is “Access to Justice”?

The phrase “access to justice” can be implicit as “the right to make certain that each and every individual is competent to pray to the legal processes for legal remedy irrespective of social or monetary capacity” and “that each and every individual ought to receive a immediately and reasonable conduct within the legal system.” Essentially, the right of every individual to access judicial forums for putting forth their case can be termed as a opportunity to access justice.

Here, there lies a significant point of disparity between “access” to justice, and access to “justice”; in which the earlier refers to whether a possibility of redressed was provided to the aggrieved party whereas the concluding refers to whether justice was served.

Position of Lok Adalats in as long as “access” to justice

Since their initiation in 1982, Lok Adalats have been the instrumentalities for the poor to have access to justice in our nation state. The implementation of these Lok Adalats have been accountable for the discarding of more than 50 lakh cases in 2017 itself, in this manner being a foremost modality for fall of judicial workload. The middling number of cases set on by Lok Adalats stand at approx 4000 cases a day, consequently their continuation is unquestionably imperative for solving the judicial accumulation which exists in current time.

A foremost characteristic of Lok Adalats to conclude disputes exclusive of charging any fees has also been a sturdy incentive for the poor to approach the Lok Adalats for conclusiveness of their disputes. In contrast to filing a submission as a penniless human being under Order 33 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, this unconventional dispute resolution mechanism stands as a much friendlier means for the underprivileged to access legal remedy mechanisms. Therefore, Lok Adalats can be said to have approved the test for as long as “access” to justice to the underprivileged.

Position of Lok Adalats in as long as access to “justice”

The utter right to get access to a legal remedy mechanism, The financial condition of parties to the dispute, their situations, fair procedure during trial and influence on the legal process also need to be measured to appreciate whether a appropriate opportunity to access “justice” was provided to them.

Most of the time, parties reconcile in Lok Adalats as they cannot have the funds for the operating expense for litigation. There is concession out of requisite slightly than will. This can be associated due to the issues in our legal system and for that reason it is complicated to estimate this as a fair chance. That's why; it is somewhat easier said than done to say that the Lok Adalats have approved the test for providing access to “justice” to the underprivileged.


  • Introduction
  • Position of Lok Adalats in as long as “access” to justice
  • Position of Lok Adalats in as long as access to “justice”

BY : Umang Yadav

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