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Lok Adalat, Awards and composition.

Formation of Lok Adalat inspired by the Panchayati Raj system of India and based on the priniprin of "panch parmeshwar" of gram panchayat. Lok Adalat also know as People's court. It is one of the components of alternative dispute resolution methods and it has proved to be a very effective alternative to litigation. Lok Adalat constitute by the National legal services authority under the legal services authority act,1987 to provide free legal services to weaker sections of the society. It has been given statutory status under the same act which is harmonious to the constitutional of India under article 39(A),which contains various provision for settling of dispute through Lok Adalat. Article 39(A) states that: Eqaul justice and free legal aid; The state shall secure that the operating of the legal system promote justice, on a basis of equal opportunity and shall in particular provide free legal aid.
Article 14 and 22(1); also make it inescapable for the state to ensure equality before law and equal orprotecti of law. A legal system which should promote justice on a basis of equal opportunity to all. Legal aid strings to ensure that the provision of the Indian constitution is fulfilled and equal asses to justice is available to the poor people and weaker sections of the society as well.
There is no court fee payable when a matter pending before the court of law and it is referred to the lok Adalat and it settled subsequently. Lok Adalat has the jurisdiction to determine and to arrive at a settlement between the disputed parties
Awards of lok Adalat: Every award of lok Adalat shall be deemed as a decree of civil court. Every award of lok Adalat shall be final and binding on all the parties to the disputed parties.No appeal shall lie from the award of Lok Adalat. It focus on the compromise between the parties, if compromise is reached an award is made and it is binding on all the parties of the dispute .The evidence act and procedures law are not strictly followed,while assessing the merits of the case.
It has the jusrisdiction to determine and to arrive at a settlement between the parties.
(A) Any case pending before any court.
(B) Any case not brought before any court.
Composition of the Lok Adalat: The persons deciding the cases in the Lok Adalat are called the members of the lok Adalat. Every Lok Adalat organised for an area shall consist of - sitting/retired judical officer as a chairman, and two members - one is lawyer and another is social worker ( a person working for the upliftment of the society).
There are various level and conposcompo of Lok Adalat:
State authority level, High court level, District level, Taluk level.
There is National Lok Adalat as well working to provide way asses to justice.
Mobile Lok Adalat; It is settled in various parts of the country which travel from one place to another to resolve dispute.
The concept of Lok Adalat is an innovative contribution in the field of the Indian Judiciary system and it is succeed in providing supplementary forum to the victims for a satisfactory settlement of their dispute.
- Introduction
- Awards
- Composition