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Lokpal legislation:A long journey

Lokpal has had a very long fluctuating history.It took around 45 years to enact the imperative set of a legislation. In most of the countries there is little unpublicness in public administration. There is a creation of Ombudsman as a remedy to there greviances. Ombudsman is a public officer whose function is to investigate the grievances, raised by the citizens regarding maladministration of the authority. He is an officer of parliament. The concept of Ombudsman at 1st originated in Sweden in the year 1809 when a chancellor of justice was appointed by the king. Then after sometime various countries adopt the system of Ombudsman.
Guyana became the 1st developing nation to adopt the concept of ombudsman, then it came in India as well. It was 1st time proposed by the law minister Ashok Sen in the Parliament in around 1960s. L.M.Singhvi was the 1st person who coined this word (Lokpal or Lokayutaka). The word Lokpal means "Protector of people" from all the dishonest and fraudulent or mal practices of authority.
These legislation was traced back in the earlier 1960. Administrative reforms commission made and Moraji desai was the head of the commission submitted report in 1966 and state that there is a requirement of two system which help us to control the corruption.The 1st time the bill introduce was in the year of 1968 in Loksabha (that was the 4th Loksabha) at that time the bill was passed in the Lok sabha but before rajya sabha could deliberate 4th Lok sabha dissolved and the bill was lapsed. That bill introduce around 8 times 1971,1977,1985,1989,1996,1998,2001 and then in 2011.
After some changes and modifications made in the bill then that bill finally passed by both the house of the Parliament in the year of 2013 and became act known as Lokpal and Lokayutaka act,2013 and enforce on 1st of January 2014. It was also known as Jan lokpal bill. This act provide established of Lokpal at union level and Lokayutaka at state level. These are statutory bodies and perform similar functions to that of Ombudsman. It provide adequate protection from all types of dishonest, corrupt and malpractices of the administration.
Here,we see that the journey to make this legislation is so long and arduous. Finally it became an act which protect the citizens of the country from day to day corrupt activities of the administration.
- Introduction
- History of the bill
- Conclusion