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Community Mediation Centres

Community Mediation Centre
Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation came forward with the concept of IIAM Community Mediation centers, a concept launch by the Chief Justice of India in 2017. This movement is widely applauded because of its inexpensive features. The establishment of CMCs would help people to achieve speedy justice in contrast to the long and expensive litigation process. Maybe the problems of the intricate commercial could be addressed quite efficiently, but still, the simpler problems pertaining to family issues and property ussies could be resolved amicably. Mediation is a process, where the disputes between two parties are sought to be resolved by a third neutral party amicably. When a consensus is reached the mediator may pass the agreement to be signed by both the parties making it binding. In rural areas, usually, the disputes on some quite simple issues often turn out to end with violence. The reason for which can be that either the parties haven’t filed a case concerning the issue to avoid the expenses involved or the parties might have filed one but owing to the time taking litigation processes the judgment hasn’t been out yet. Thus, to reach the goal of seeping justice to ground root levels, CMCs can turn out to be the best way possible. The members can be the qualified mediators for the local judicial centers with the few locals, who are well aware of the dynamics of the village, hence have better understating of the parties. A complete neutral committee might help the parties to reach an understanding, saving the expenses, or avoiding any violence involved. Though the concept still lacks official recognition, various instates are working in making it a reality.
- Community Mediation Centre
- achieve speedy justice
- CMCs can be the best way possible