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In most of the countries there is little in publicness in public administration. People have often raise their voices against various short comings and limitations of public administration.There is a creation of ombudsman as a remedy to there greviances. Ombudsman is a public officer whose function is to investigate the greviances, raised by the citizens regarding maladministration of the authority. He is the officer of the parliament.
The concept of ombudsman at 1st originated in Sweden in around 1713 when a "chancellor of justice" was appointed by the king at the time of the war. The proper constitution of ombudsman in Sweden in the year of 1809. Finland create the institution of ombudsman in 1919, Denmark in 1955, Norway in 1961.
The Ombudsman is primarily the people's invetigainves, guide, defends.
In ancient time in Rome there was an institution known as "Tribune of the people". It is extraordinary constitutional authority to supervise the proper working if the constitution. There is an inseperable relation between democracy and ombudsman.The central idea of democracy means people's right and freedom shall be vindicated and protected their legislative greviances shall be removed.
In India the ombudsman is known as Lokpal or Lokayutaka. L.M Singhvi as Indian model of ombudsman for the redressal of Public greviances, it was passed in Loksabha in the year of 1968.
In India, it is a Quasi-judicial body.There are 21 current banking ombudsman centres in India.Pinaki Chnadra Ghose is appointed as the chairman of India's Lokpal or anti-corruption body.
The word Lokpal is derived from a sanskrit word "Loka" which meaning people and "Pala" which meaning caretaker or protector. Lokpal means protector of people.The aim og passing this as a law is to eradicate the corrupt and all maladministration of Indian politics.
- Brief
- Historical background of ombudsman
- Ombudsman in India